Junior Kindy Program 2 to 3 year
Children grow so much in our Junior Kindy, where 2 to 3 year olds gather to forge sweet friendships and focus on building life skills. In line with milestones identified in the Early Years Learning Framework, the program helps children unearth a sense of identity and fosters first connections with others.
Senior Kindy Program 3 to 4 years
Children aged between 3 and 4 are invited to take part in our Senior Kindy which is designed to ease children into the following years Government Approved Kindergarten program. The focus is on confidence, community and communication. In line with milestones identified in the Early Years Learning Framework, the program helps children develop a sense of identity and wellbeing, and feel connected to a group outside their families – perhaps for the first time.
A minimum of 2 days per week is recommended to support each child’s involvement and development of friendships.